My Prayer of Gratitute

(written for ES 381 - April 2014)

Allow me to give thanks for this day
& for the opportunity to gather here together as students
in our quest for the exchange of knowledge,
& for being alive to see another seasonal cycle of promising new growth.

Let me remember how to walk in the footsteps of the wisdom of my elders,
& Allow me to see new insights & ways of knowing & doing.

As I weep & as I dispair
for the pain, shame & broken promises,
for all the harm done to this land, & water, & people, & life,
in the name of greed, entitlement, control & arrogance,
Know that I will always honour & respect the Gifts from the creator.

Give me the strength to understand & the eyes to see clearly.
I pray for guidance as we face changes & challenges.
Teach me the things I do not know.
Teach me the things I need to know.
Help me teach well the things I do know.

Please Guide me in my quest to be a good steward and
Forgive my ignorance!

So be it ...

My Seasonal Round-about @ UVic

WebPage Orchestration:
Wendy Anthony

WebPage Created 7 April 2014