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Find UVic's Natural Areas & Native Plant Gardens
by Wendy Anthony
Sherlock Holmes' Adventure
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Mystic Vale
A shaded, tree-lined creek ravine through which Hobb's Creek runs down to the ocean at Cadboro Bay beach.
Scroll Down ▾South Woods
A large forested area on the outside of UVic's circle road, where many students go on field trips to the outdoor classroom.
Scroll Down ▾Cunningham Woods
Restoration club has been pulling English ivy, daphne laurel, cutting English holly, and planning for more.
Scroll Down ▾VIPIRG Garden
A mix of ornamental plants spilling over from Finnerty Gardens, and native plants bought and planted by VIPIRG. The sign was removed by Facilities Management shortly before they started to cut down the native plants, leaving invasive English ivy and overgrown rhododendrons.
Scroll Down ▾Garry Oak Meadow
A blue lake of camas blossoms reveals the meadow between deep-rooted Garry Oak trees, in an area long-used for environmental studies field classes, and an example of a remanant of the endangered Garry Oak ecosystem.
Scroll Down ▾Bowker Creek
Bowker Creek headwaters start by the University Club, flow through the western wooded area of UVic, in a northerly direction, before going underground and heading south towards Oak Bay.
Scroll Down ▾Ian Ross Memorial Garden
Native plants are grouped by habitat in a variety of garden plots, planted as a memorial to Ian Ross in the courtyard between the two wings of the David Turbin Building. Plants include Garry oak, willow, red-flowering currant, devil's club, cattails, evergreen huckleberry, Oregon grape, etc.
Scroll Down ▾Lorene Kennedy Native Plant Garden
This native plant garden, nestled between the Sedgewick and Harry Hickman buildings, was planted in 2003 by Environmental Studies and Facilities Management to honour the botanist Lorene Kennedy.
Scroll Down ▾Cunningham Pond
A pond to the north of the Cunningham building, bordered by willow, cattails, and Douglas fir and bigleaf maples.
Scroll Down ▾First Peoples House Native Plant Garden
A series of gardens have been built to the north of the First Peoples House, showcasing trees, shrubs, herbs, marsh and water plants: Western-red cedar, Douglas fir, Sitka mountain ash, red-flowering currant, nodding onions, cattails, evergreen huckleberry, Oregon grape, etc.
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UVic's Natural Areas & Native Plant Gardens
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