The Native Plant Field Guide App

Have you ever wanted help to identify native plant species at the UVic campus?

  • The Native Plant Field Guide App has a drop-down list of native plant species found at UVic
  • Choosing a species from the list populates the Photo Image, Species Name, Latin Name, Phenophase, Location and Date
  • The Native Plant Field Guide App, and this website, have been coded to be responsive to different screen sizes of modern browsers in assorted computers and mobile devices, using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery & jQuery Mobile JavaScript code

Using The App

  1. Go to The App page (if using Firefox, refresh page once loaded)
  2. Choose a species by scrolling through the drop down list, and clicking the desired species
  3. A photo of the species chosen will appear in the image box
  4. Species information (common name, latin name, phenophase, location, date) will appear below the image

(screen shots)
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